Römer, Regine
Minigruppe, 2-4 TN: 6 Kurstage, ab 1 TN: 3 Kurstage
One week of intensive training in business communication. The Focus is on business topics- virtual international meetings, cross cultural training , negotiating, selling, presentations (presentation techniques) and case studies. To provide the best support participants are expected to share any of their topics and issues in these sessions.
inkl. Lehrmaterial EUR 5, ab 4 TN: 4 Kurstage
ab 5 TN: 11 Kurstage, ab 4 TN: 9 Kurstage, ab 3 TN: 7 Kurstage
Folgende Themenschwerpunkte sind vorgesehen: - typische Sprechsituationen bei Auslandsreisen: z.B. Restaurantbesuch, Flughafen, Autovermietung, Krankheitsfall und der Umgang mit Beschwerden bzw. Problemlösung - interessante Aspekte moderner bzw. persönlicher Lebensweise (Erfahrungen, Interessen, Zukunftspläne etc.) - begleitend Grammatik.
ab 5 TN: 8 Kurstage, ab 4 TN: 6 Kurstage
These sessions are customized to the needs and expectations of the particpicants, i.e. presentations, interaction with international teams, conflict management etc..You will benefit from interesting discussions on current global topics along with some grammar review. (Upon request)
Minigruppe, 2-4 TN: 6 Kurstage, ab 1 TN: 3 Kurstage
This course is designed for those who wish to refresh their knowledge of English. We`ll look at grammar, business English, emails, discuss topical subjects, and newspaper articles etc. So, do come along if you would like to renew your English.
ab 5 TN: 8 Kurstage, ab 4 TN: 6 Kurstage